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This has got to be the funniest stuff I have read. I have seen some bad translations, but this confidently beats everything I have seen. Read May I take your order?
This has got to be the funniest stuff I have read. I have seen some bad translations, but this confidently beats everything I have seen. Read May I take your order?
My first brush with the stock market, and you can see how well I am doing. Shit! 😬
Nice, thought provoking “Pearls before swine” strip today ;) : Rat says: In the end, we are all forgotten … hence we might as well spend our lives sitting in front of TV, drinking beer and eating nachos. Case in point … Even if you were the greatest poet or artist or achitect or king in the entire eighth century B.C., a guy as smart as my friend goat, living in the 21st century, doesn’t even know your name!