In a swooping country wide move, the HRD ministry has removed the directors of 11 NITs (previously named RECs) across the country citing an irregular process of appointment by the previous government. The present HRD ministry under Mr. Arjun Singh calls this a detoxification drive against the misdeeds of the previous government whose HRD ministry was led by Mr. Murli Manohar Joshi.
As a fallout of this action, the director of my alma-mater REC Jalandhar (now named NIT Jalandhar), Dr.
I have frequently felt moments of disorientation when certain characters of TV (mostly Americans) pronounce o-f-t-e-n with a audible ’t’. Digging around a bit, I found an interesting bit of trivia at
The definition of ‘often’ mentions:
During the 15th century English experienced a widespread loss of certain consonant sounds within consonant clusters, as the (d) in handsome and handkerchief, the (p) in consumption and raspberry, and the (t) in chestnut and often.
It was my parents anniversary yesterday. We had cake and flowers and candles. Uploaded pics for the day to my Flickr account. The pictures are collected into a set here.
I am loving Flickr. Having a hosted services for storing my photos is the best thing that has happened for a while. No more running to upgrade the gallery software whenever a patch is out. Flickr allows me to store the high resolution photos itself, something that can easily cause your own web site to get out of hand in a short while.